Thursday, February 2, 2012

Strike Out

I firmly believe that in most cases, local food is far better than most; it tends to be made with fresh ingredients, lacking all those funky ingredients that you have no idea what they are and it supports the local economy.  However, sometimes we strike out big time.  I am a huge salsa girl; I love the stuff and could possibly eat a whole jar in one sitting by myself.  Therefore I was very dismayed when my husband brought home flavorless local salsa(Don't blame me - blame the dude in Winooski who made it!-Andy).  Typically when we roll the local dice, we end up with amazing food like Boves, Snowflake Chocolate, Vermont Peanut Butter, you name it.  This time it was really bad and I was extremely sad.(Please forgive her - our three year old is learning about rhyming words, and she just got caught up in it! -Andy) I was very excited to see that my wonderful hubby bought some more-flavorful salsa for tonight.  I will continue to explore the local flavors, but I am thinking the next time, the local salsa is going to have to come from my own garden.

Run for the night: 3 mile recovery run

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