Saturday, February 4, 2012

Racing Plan

Despite not feeling good for one of the days this week due to some stomach issues, I still managed to get my butt on the treadmill 6 days this week. It didn't total the mileage I wanted because of my 1 mile day when I wasn't feeling great, but I did manage to run the same mileage as last week, despite the minor set back.
I determined that I needed a plan to keep myself going and, besides, I had determined back in November that I was going to try and do a race a month, with a possible exception for February when temperatures can sometimes drop below 0 (although judging by this weekend, it looks like I may be running in a few weeks).  I sat down this weekend and mapped out races that
I am  willing to commit to, however,there are other possible races that I may also add in or substitute. Here is the plan so far. 
February (weather permitting): Run to Chocolate: 2 miles-short enough that even if it is cold I can probably get myself out of the house

March: Race Vermont Spring Fling: 5k

April: HoBy 5k and possibly Here Comes the Sun the following weekend

May: Partners Race and yes my lovely husband will actually be running all 5 miles of it with me this year.( "Lovely" I ain't...-Andy)

June: Covered Bridges half marathon; I ran it last year and loved it.

There it is, my races for the next few months.

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