Saturday, February 11, 2012


Why is it that I just can't seem to get ahead?  The past two weeks were great and then this week my IT band decided it hates me.  Fortunately, I have been through this before and know that I can get through it, unfortunately, it means easing up a bit.  It means I need to walk some when it starts to hurt, stretching it a lot more then I currently do, and sucking it up and making myself run outside in the cold, where the ground it a little bit more forgiving.  I have walked a bit this week, but the other two I have been slacking on, which has resulted in the throbbing I am currently feeling running from my hip to my knee.  The stupid part of all this, is that I could have run with friends outside this morning and could have gone during nap time today.  Did I? No - of course not, I decided to jump on the treadmill at 8:00PM tonight and make the whole thing worse.  Alright, I am done venting now, hopefully next week will be a little bit better.

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