Sunday, February 19, 2012

Run To Chocolate

I did in fact run a February race this year and it was worth every minute.  It also helped that it was 36 degrees out and felt like a spring day.  It was also a perfect race for a time when I wasn't feeling like I was at my peak performance.  Most of the runners were moms with strollers, I could actually count the people in front of me.  It was wonderful, I am used to running races with elite runners where I am just another runner somewhere in the novice group in the back.  It was a nice change of pace.  An added bonus was the spring like weather running down a dirt road, it felt like mud season in Vermont, it was wonderful.

After the run we headed inside for chocolate and lots of it, they even had a chocolate fountain with strawberries.  We didn't take stay for long since Little Man was determined to eat every piece of chocolate I managed to pick up.  I stuck to the strawberries and we were on our way to enjoy the rest of the day. 
 Little Man waiting for mommy to run by the playground.  There was actually a group of children that would come flying down the hill as various moms passed by.  A two year old I have never seen before in my life came running down the hill at me screaming, go mommy go.

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