Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Moving Forward

Two years ago, I attempted to take up knitting.  One of my friends choose this "simple" felted bag for a starter project.  It was so bad I tore the whole thing out and started again.  The only problem was that I couldn't remember how to do the step that transitioned the base into the sides.  The project ended up in our closet and there it has sat. 
A few weeks ago I brought it to work, because there is a knitting club that meets in the space right next to my office on Thursday morning.  The people who were there---seasoned knitters, could not figure out how to do the next step and even tried to google it.  The told me to bring it back this week, since the two people who have made several felted bags would be there.
This past week, I brought the bag back and one of the seasoned felters couldn't understand why on earth someone would start me on this project; this was by no means a "simple" bag.  She helped me get the bag into the round and I am off to knitting again.  Hopefully some day I will actually finish the bag.  I'll keep you posted.

Activity: I got up for a quick run this morning before heading out to see some freinds we have not seen in a while.  It felt good to have my run done and over with before the day began.

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