Monday, February 27, 2012


On the wall in our garage, where I park my car each day, hangs three sets of snowshoes.  Last year we had an ample amount of snow to create a whole series of paths through our backyard, as well as taking them out to a few of the local parks; they spent more time in my car than on the wall. This year we have been lucky if the snow stays on the ground for more than 24 hours.  Meanwhile, those snowshoes have been teasing poor Little Man every time we drive into the garage; he wants to use them bad. 
This weekend we were blessed with 8 inches of fluffy snow, and Little Man was ready to go.  For those of you who have never gone snowshoeing before, this is not really enough snow for snowshoes, but that does not matter to a three year old who has been tormented by his snowshoes all winter. 

It was hard to get a picture of the little blue speck that was running as fast as he could around the yard.  I think I may sign him up for a snowshoe race next winter, he would probably win.  He ran until Mommy got cold and convinced him it was time for hot chocolate.  If it was his choice, he would still be running around the backyard.
Workout so far this week: snowshoeing with Little Man yesterday and 3 miles on the treadmill today.

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