Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Socializing Ducks

Had anyone ever told me I would be learning how to socialize ducks 3 years ago, I would have laughed at them.  Now Andy and I find ourselves trying to make our ducks a little more people friendly.  What we have learned so far: the little buggers are fast! To complicate matters further, you can't pick them up one by one; no, unlike chicks, they must travel as a group.  Ever try picking up three little ducklings all at once?  Not an easy task, my friend.  The again, one would assume it should be an easy task, because when they realize they are about to be picked up, all three flock to a corner and bury their heads.  Simple answer scoop them all up at once......not so in our family.  You see, the one that Little Man lovingly refers to as Quack (or Loud One as I like to call him), is incredibly fast, unlike his duckling counterparts.  The result, you are left holding two ducklings, while one frantically runs around the brooder looking for his friends.  When you try and pick the crazy duck up (while holding the other two) he frantically runs away---still calling to his friends who have nestled into your lap at this point.  Eventually he is caught and so happy to be nestled into your lap with his buddies that he poops on you.  There you have it, the joys of socializing a duck. 
Acitivty for the day: A speed workout that I should have done last week and a little jav throwing.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Quack might be the first one to be "promoted" to Freezer Duck :-)
