Monday, February 20, 2012

Chick/Chicken Stuff

It feels like spring and the boys had the day off, so they ran around town doing all sorts of little tasks, including a few involving our lovely chickens; who I might mention are loving the warm weather because it means they are actually willing to step outside the coop.  A single flake of snow and they won't even stick their beaks out the door. 

To start off with, our new chicks have been ordered for the spring.  This year we ordered 3 Barred Rocks and 4 Buff Orpingtons (the breed we already have). 

Secondly, the boys decided they wanted to play with the drill this afternoon.  Since there have been a few occasions that the chickens have been left to fend for themselves overnight (we have a skunk who lives under the coop) Andy decided we needed a cheaper version of the feeders that hold a lot of food.  Hence the boys played with power tools this afternoon after they stopped at Lowes to pick up a few things.  I present you with our new feeder. 
(Editor's note: There's no proof that the skunk lives under the coop. It's more likely that the skunk lives somewhere in the fifteen acre field behind our lot. Regardless, I won't go out there when that stinky striped thing is touring the yard - they are remarkably fast moving if they want to be - and I don't think my boss wants me to call out of work due to "smell". We made the hanging feeder in an attempt to keep the various rodents and vermin from eating all the feed.)
Now  the chickens should feel like we are actually paying attention to them for a while. 

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