Thursday, June 2, 2011

kinderGARDEN-Plants are in

Memorial Day weekend marks the date that all Northeastern gardeners plant the vegetables that can't take the cold. I say this and yet, one of my coworkers proudly announced that the mountain that our house is on the side of had snow on top of it this afternoon. Oh, well........ if we have frost or snow in the morning at least we had fun trying.

"Mommy, there is a hole in this corner that we need to fill in."

This is what happens when toddlers plant the carrots (I am going to sneak out in the middle of the night some day and thin them out, but right now he is very proud of them), he thinks that he is doing better than mommy because he has more carrots.

We have visited the garden every morning rain or shine on our way out the door to see what is going on.


  1. That is so cute! Carrots look that way when I plant them too!!

  2. cute pics! we haven't planted carrots yet, but kiddo planted kohlrabi with similar results. :) hope the frost stays away!

  3. I love how kids think! Better more carrots to thin than not enough. Rain took a lot of ours, so I think we need to add a couple more rows.

  4. that's how my carrots look, too :) we waited to plant all our heat lovers, also, and still worried about frost for a few nights...

  5. What a great job he did with his carrots! He can come re-seed mine...

  6. Lol, my son REFUSES to let anyone even think about thinning his carrots. He says he likes them just the way they are. I haven't gotten brave and snuck out to thin yet.

  7. Memorial day is when most sane people around here put their gardens in too. ;)

    Thinning such pretty vegetables is painful. I totally understand your son not wanting to!
