Saturday, February 25, 2012

The End of a Busy Week.

At the end of a busy week, we decided making pizza would be a great family activity.  Once Little Man quickly shaped and topped his pizza, he quickly returned to his station to see if he could steal  some more toppings (snacks) from mommy and daddy.  Daddy, apparently the patient one in the family, spent his time carefully crafting and tossing his pizza in the air to form the perfect pie. I am more of a thick crust person, and went for the hand shaped dough(the "lazy way"-editor)
Once we were finished crafting our pizzas, we placed them onto the "new" pizza stone that grandma gave us on Wednesday and popped them in the oven for a few minutes and enjoyed every bit. 

Running: I spent most of the week walking in an effort to nurse my leg back to health.  It must have paid off because I went on a 3 mile run this afternoon.  The only reason I stopped was because I was tired after a week off.  I figured it I was going to take a week off, this would be it, because as of the first of March I need to start increasing my mileage for a half marathon in June.  Hopefully it worked. 

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