Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We are fortunate enough to live in an area where most people have some sort of farm animal in their backyard.  For most, like us, it is a few chickens to provide eggs.  Others have small side jobs in providing meat, eggs, milk, or honey to their neighbors.  Such is the case with one of my friends.  She is a Special Educator by day and raises goats by night.  Most of the goats are for breeding purposes only, except for the unlucky males who occasionally end up on our dinner table because they are not as desired as the females in breeding circles.  At the beginning stages all of them are adorable (the little while one below is only a day old!). 
Evey year about this time my friend's goats kid and we are invited over to see the new baby goats. I took Little Man and one of his friends out for a play date to see the new babies.  They of course loved it, once they got past the fact that the moms all have "horns", and the poop was frozen, and ended up following the "favorite" kid around the pen - a spunky little gal named Wynter (there has to be something about that name), who just looks like she is going to be trouble.  Actually, they also got a kick out of touching one of the younger goats horns, once they realized that the goat was not out to stab them with it. That, and I actually think they were encouraging one of the kids to nibble on them so she would come close enough so they could pet her. I love the fact that they can do this without having to pay for an expensive farm yard petting zoo that only offers goats that follow you around waiting for you to feel them the 25 cent grain that just came out of a vending machine.   

Activity for the day: A quick 2.5 miles on the treadmill before heading out for a girls' night.

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