Monday, February 13, 2012

Good Cheap Fun

I used to think that everything in life comes with a price; then I moved to Vermont, had a child and realized that even on a budget you can have a great time.  This past week, for example, we did several things and had a ton of fun enjoying the free things that the community around us has to offer. 

My mother-in-law would be thrilled that we utilize our Public Library.  I am pretty sure that before I moved to Vermont, the only thing I did at the library was check books out.  While this is something I highly encourage, there are so many other things that the library has to offer that I really never paid much attention to before, especially when you have a child.  This week for example, we went to the library for evening story time (yes, our librarian cares enough about working moms that not only do they offer a day time story hour, they offer an evening one as well).  Little Man make many guesses on the way as to what we think the librarian will be reading and then sits in this cute little amphitheater corner in the corner of the children's section to see if we were right.  Following the story time there is a little craft project and snacks that go along with the stories read.  Another great thing about our library is that in the summer, you can check out passes for the different museums in the area.  Given the number of  attractions around us, if we didn't check the passes out, we could rack up a summer fun bill pretty quickly.  There are other amazing programs and activities that our library offers throughout the year that are a significant relief to the wallet. 

The second free thing we did this week was go on a factory tour.  If you live in a state that does not have a ton of these I am really sorry as they can be a ton of fun and usually involve free samples at the end.  Typically the price is either a few dollars or free, which was the case this weekend.  We went to a newly renovated train station, that houses the Green Mountain Coffee Roasters visitor center.  When we first walked in, one of the women who work at the visitor center was nice enough to point out the little button that makes the model train move around the room to Little Man.  I am pretty sure he would have spent all day pushing that button had we let him.  The next room has all sorts of little interactive stations that taught us about where coffee comes from and how it is made (unfortunately Little Man discovered the vacuum tube that carried Kuerig cups back and forth in the factory; yet another button to push).  Then on to the cafe for a cup of coffee and - with a little convincing from Little Man- a snack. Ok, I was hungry too, he really didn't have to convince me.  Now, had I been really ambitious I would have done the whole factory tour loop and hit the Ben and Jerry's factory tour, Cold Hollow Cider, the Cabot/Lake Champlain Annex and then stopped at the glass blowing place, but one tour was enough for me and we'll save that part of the trip for when we have visitors.

Of course, my favorite free activity of the week was the time we spent playing soccer in the back yard with Little Man.  Too bad the temperatures are back down to 3 and there is still not enough snow on the ground to go outside and play.

Run for the week:  Sunday was my day off, so I spent an hour watching CSI on Hulu and doing my various stretches and exercises for my IT band.  Today: I ran for 2 miles, walked for one, and then faithfully did my stretches.

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