Sunday, October 14, 2012

Putting the Beds to Rest

This Saturday was my first Saturday off since cross-country season began, so Lttle Man and I spent the day putting the gardens to rest for the winter.  Little Man helped dig the carrots out of the ground and then spent the rest of the time digging for worms to feed the chickens. 
Once the grasshopper he found jumped out of his hand, he spent the next ten minutes jumping in the raised bed after it.  It was very comical and I wish that there had been a video camera rolling while he was hopping around the garden bed, but as always, the best moments are never caught on tape. 
We then harvested our three sad pumpkins for the front steps.  Little Man is very proud of his pumpkin growing abilities; I think I'll wait until later to tell him they are supposed to be all orange.  Oh well, maybe next year.  Right now I'll let him think he is the world's greatest farmer. 

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