Monday, June 4, 2012

Covered Bridges Half Marathon

I have wondered if I should do a post or not; the one picture that was taken of me running was not great, and by running standards, my time was not fast.  However, I decided to do a post since I finished.  My time this year was 12 minutes faster than what I did last year and the best half-marathon time I have had by 2 minutes.  So what did I run? A solid 10 minute pace of 2 hours, 12 minutes and 22 seconds (the seconds are important when you run 13.1 miles.  So that is it, my post for the day.

1 comment:

  1. You did GREAT! You improved your time (and a terrific time as far as I'm concerned) and you finished a HALF-MARATHON. That is quite an accomplishment in itself.
