Friday, June 15, 2012

Strawberry Season

I adore summer because there is nothing like fresh fruit right off the vine/tree/bush.  I love it so much that one year while on a road trip I made Andy stop the car at a pick your own cherry place so we could pick cherries.  Why not? It was probably the only time I would ever drive past a pick your own cherry place. 

Given my love of picking my own fruit, I was very excited when I realized that berry picking season started early this year.  Even more excited when I knew some of our friends would be here from Virginia and we would be able to take them strawberry picking (they were just as excited).  We handed each child a quart container and off they set at a very rapid pace into the strawberry patch.  Did I mention the woman told the kids that they are allowed to sample as she was handing out the containers?  Bad idea, lady( Imagine Blueberries for Sal times six kids and you have the right idea).  When we finally convinced all six kids to stop sampling for long enough to fill their containers, we headed back to the booth to pay for that day's bounty, with each child guarding their containers with their life.  Once I paid for our two quarts, I looked over to discover Little Man sitting contentedly on the side of the building snacking on strawberries.  He apparently shares my obsession for fresh fruit. 

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