Monday, June 18, 2012

My Little Florist

A little known secret in our family is that my beloved husband spent some time doing floral arrangements for Virginia Peddler.(very little time - still a man! -AC)  This skill seems to have rubbed off on our son, because shortly after I placed a mason jar with peonies out on the patio table, he ventured inside and grabbed one of my vases.  He then proceeded to walk around the yard and collect flowers for his masterpiece.  Once he was finished collecting everything he deemed necessary for his arrangement, he then proceeded to categorize the flowers by color (yes, a little of his mother's OCD may have rubbed off on him as well). Note the color coded piles in the picture below. 

Once the flowers had been categorized accordingly, he proceeded to artfully arrange them in the vase he had brought outside. 
 The finished product.  Not bad for his first floral arrangement. 

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