Monday, June 25, 2012

So Much To Do

The disadvantage of being a working mom is that the second a vacation rolls around, my goal is to set out and do all the things Little Man and I have not been able to do the past few months.  We have a ton of fun, but by the end of the summer, both of us are ready to get back to a routine, because we are both absolutely exhausted from all of the summer fun.  Today is the perfect example of what a typical summer day looks like for Little Man and me. 

We begin the day at 7:00am, feast on a leisurely breakfast and set out to do all the errands (returning books to the Library, dropping the milk jug off at the farm, stopping for Mommy's second cup of coffee of the morning, etc.) we can possibly complete before 10:00; the time the science center we are going to today opens. 

By 10:00 we are pulling into the parking lot by the ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center.  Since May they have had an exhibit Little Man and I have been dying to see.  You see, my son is a very inquisitive young man, and wants to know about everything (and I mean everything).  For months he has been asking about bones, organs, muscles and everything that resides under the surface of our skin.  We have gone online several times to look up various parts of the body. Because of this, we have both been dying to go to this exhibit and answer all of his questions.  I had to explain all this to the woman at the ticket counter who warned me that the exhibit is for 3rd grade and up and if he is freaked out by the cadavers or bored with the exhibit that I could not get a refund.  Needless to say, my son was neither freaked out or bored.  If anything, his brain went into overload state by the end and is still processing all the information he took in.  He did giggle a little bit when we looked at the digestive system and he realized the tube he was looking at was where the poop came out of his butt.  What can I say, I am raising a little boy.  He learned a lot and was actually able to see how all those parts he has been asking about are put together.  They even had one body where you could see the nervous system and how it works.  That part stuck in his little brain and he has been going around all day telling me that the little tubes in his body are telling him that things are hot or cold. I am glad we went and it was worth the extra entrance fee to check out the exhibit. 

 After we had thoroughly explored the rest of the Echo Center - fish, frogs, turtles and all - Little Man looked like he was on the edge of shutting down, so we walked up the street to The Skinny Pancake where everything is served in some sort of crepe form using local ingredients. 
 Of course, my next move could have gone severely wrong had I not planned dessert into the menu.  You see, I was enamored with the special: made with steak, mushrooms, chevre (goat cheese), and tomatoes.  Now had I been thinking, my brain would have clicked into the fact that Little Man does not like goat cheese or mushrooms, in fact they are some of the very few foods he will not eat, but it looked really good to me, so I ordered it for the two of us to share.  I spent the next 20 minutes picking the little steak bits and cherry tomatoes out of the crepe for him to eat, which he did only because he knew if he ate some of the crepe in front of him he would then be able to indulge in the Pooh Bear crepe which is drizzled with honey and cinnamon sugar, which he ate most of himself.  I thought both tasted great, Little Man does not agree. 
 When we had finished our lunch, we took a walk on the waterfront to watch the boats, since Little Man was complaining his belly was full and he needed to move. 
It was a wonderful day and Little Man came home and crashed as soon as his brain shut down and he stopped asking questions.  Let the summer craziness begin!

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