Friday, June 22, 2012

Evolution of a Fisherman

This will be the third summer that Little Man has gone fishing with Daddy.  The first year he was given a pole with a bobber; no hook and no chance of catching anything.  He thought it was great and every now and then Andy would let him reel something in on his pole.  Last year he learned how to cast, was given a worm and we found a sure-fire spot for fishing that he was bound to catch at least one fish. This year Little Man has determined he is going to do things his way. 
 Father's Day was our first fishing trip of the year.  We went to our sure-fire spot and despite the wind Little Man caught a catfish that there was no way he was getting anywhere near once he had hooked it.  In fact it was more like Mommy caught the fish and Little Man stood by watching.  After a short period of time, Little Man was bored, there were no more fish to be caught and he was done for the day. 
 The first part of this week, we went to a friends camp where there are so many sunfish swimming under the dock that all it really took was placing the hook with a small piece of bread attached to the hook (no slimy worms) and within seconds you had a fish hooked and could do this all afternoon if you wanted to.  The catch to this whole ordeal was that the fish needs to be taken off the hook.  For those who do not know sunfish have  spines and if you don't handle them correctly you will get spined. 
The smart young man that my son is, he quickly figured out that all he really needed was a net and a piece of bread and he could attract 10-15 fish to his side, then he could catch a fish, show mommy yet another fish and let it go just to move on to the next unsuspecting victim.  I am pretty sure if there had not been s'mores and a boat ride in the future, he would still be standing in the water catching fish.  I don't think we will ever be able to get him to use a real fishing pole with a worm ever again.   

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