Sunday, June 24, 2012

My Other Love

Eight years ago (almost exactly) Andy and I purchased kayaks for each other.  Ever since then I have been totally hooked.  There is nothing like gliding along the water on a crystal clear day; it is captivating enough to get even Little Man to stop asking questions for a few minutes, especially when we are sneaking up on a turtle.  Of course the giggle that comes from his little body when the turtle pops into the water when we get to close it is worthy of breaking the silence.  I am consistently amazed that Little Man can remain completely captivated for a two hour paddle (with snacks of course) and still be wanting more when it is over.  I think the "huge" catfish that snuck up on us today may have had him rethinking this whole kayaking thing for a few minutes though.  I have to admit I have never stared down a catfish before and I think the thing was truly contemplating jumping in. I was a bit worried about what we were going to do if a 3 foot long catfish decided to jump into the kayak with us.  It gave Little Man a story to tell and we had a great time; overall we saw 4 turtles, 2 heron, 1 really big catfish and a bunch of dragonflies and water bugs.  I can't wait to see what adventures our next trip out will bring. 

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