Sunday, June 10, 2012

Stroll Through the Back Yard

If you have not noticed, I love my backyard.  I have put a lot of work into making it mine and recovering what was once a completely (and I mean completely) overgrown annual bed.  This is the first summer that I am going to be able to truly make my garden my own.  It has been weeded, the ground cover has been laid and invasive species have been removed.  Now the plants I want are taking over and while that means I need to cut them back, thin them out, it means that I can finally truly enjoy my garden. I have several big plans for making this my own personal oasis. 

The first step in the process was upgrading our patio furniture.  From our patio, I can look out over my garden, watch Little Man play in the yard, be entertained by the ducks and chickens, admire the many birds in the yard (we have everything from humming birds to yellow finches) or just soak up the sun.  About a month ago my father brought over some Adirondack chairs.  While they still need to be painted they are the prefect place to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee from. 
In addition to the Adirondack chairs, I have been waiting for my coaching stipend all spring in anticipation of a patio set.  My stipend arrived on Friday and off we went.  Now, not only do I have the Adirondack chairs to enjoy a cup of coffee from, we have patio furniture from which I can invite friends over to also  enjoy our yard.  We have friends from Virgina visiting this week and I can't wait to share my little backyard oasis with them.  I may never leave my backyard. 

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