Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Weekend Projects

I am quickly learning that if you want a beautiful garden and animals, there is no end to the amount of things that need to be done; the weeds will always return, the animals need to be fed and the list goes on.  I will admit, it is worth every minute though.  I enjoy watching the ducks frolic in the kid pool, the humming birds and butterflies fly through my garden and the sight of all of my flowers.  I even enjoy my poor molting chickens, however ugly they may be (I promised both the molting chicks and chickens I would not post any pictures of them right now).  So pardon me if I brag about the projects, because the ability to share what is going on in the backyard keeps us going. 

For starters, my wonderful husband sent me to the gardening store to pick up the last few things I needed to plant the rest of my vegetable garden and pick out some flowers for his project.  My garden is not all that exciting yet, since my starter plants are small and the seeds have not germinated yet, but check out what my wonderful hubby made for the patio. 
Andy also finished putting the chicken wire on the duck run and the ducks are happily enjoying the great outdoors, complete with their own bright blue swimming pool (they have not yet let me take a picture of them in it).  Little Man's new job is to herd the ducks outside in the morning.
I can't do a blog about my yard without showing off my flowers. 

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