Sunday, June 17, 2012

Reliving Childhood Memories

I am finding that children are an excellent way to relive your best childhood memories. This past weekend it was catching tadpoles.  The other fringe benefit is that, at this age, you are the cool mom when you are able to catch a whole handful of tadpoles in one shot.  I do realize that this will soon fade, but for now I am super mom: tadpole catcher.  After trying for a good twenty minutes, Little Man finally caught a tadpole and was very proud of himself and was ready to move on to frog catching. 
While tadpole catching proved to be the easiest way to move to superhero status, frog catching proved to be the easiest way to get wet.  Especially when the little person standing next to you screams "catch him Mom" just as you are about to make your move.  You then proceed to explain to the little person the need for stealthiness when catching frogs.  While I was unable to catch any of the frogs we found today, I have made it my goal to catch a frog for Little Man by the end of the summer in order to retain my super mom status.  That will have to wait for another day though, for now I am just the amazing tadpole catcher.  Ahh, to be four again. 

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