Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Inconvinces of Vermont Spring

The other day I posted on the things I love about Spring.  Today I will post on the top five inconveniences of Vermont spring.
1.  I am pretty sure the road is trying to eat my car.  I really wish I were joking about this one.  The frost heaves are large enough to eat a whole car and more people then I can count have had to take their cars to the shop to be fixed because of unfortunate encounters with potholes and frost heaves.  Every morning is an adventure as you try to dodge these monsters, while trying to avoid oncoming trafic at the same time.  Traving a road you do not know in the dark is not an option during the spring. 
2. The fluctuating temperatures will drive you mad.  One day it will be 40 and sunny and the next day you will wake up to -6. 
3. Failure to carry washer fluid in your car can and will result in you pulling over to the side of the road and dumpung the remaining water from your water bottle on your windshield.  I was lacking washer fluid for a day and half which resulted in carrying a bottle of windex in my car and spraying it on the windshield every time I stopped the car. 
4. Driving on dirt roads can be an adventure and may result in you having to call someone to dig you out.
5. On rainy days, allotting extra time for your drive into work is a must.  There is always a chance that one or all of the roads you use to get to work have been flooded or washed out.  

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