Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring in Vermont

 Spring is typically the season I tell people is not a good time to visit Vermont.  With that said, there are many things I love about Vermont in the spring. 
For starters, I am a runner.  I love running on the muddy dirt roads.  After sliding around all winter, bundled up like and Eskimo with a head lamp, there is nothing better than the mud under your feet, the sun shining in your face and not having to be bundled up (although today I probably should have worn gloves) after a long winter. My shoes hate me by the end of spring, but I love every minute of it. 

Secondly, there is nothing like spring snow.  This is the season where several of my students are out "sick".  As a teenager, I loved the transition from ski goggles to sunglasses on the slopes.  As a responsible adult, I love throwing my snowshoes in the back of the car and tromping around in the woods with Little Man after school.  It is warm enough that we shed the shells of our jackets, I ditch the snow pants, and the birds are singing as the sun shines though the trees.  You still have that winter beauty, but at a bearable temperature that invites you to enjoy the day. 
Then of course, we have the famed Vermont Maple Syrup.  There are not many native Vermonters that use the fake stuff and there is a reason for that.  The real stuff is so much better.  Not only that, during Vermont Maple Open House Weekend, most of the places you visit serve sugar on snow.  Boiled maple sugar, poured onto snow or shaved ice creating a taffy like substance that is wonderful.  It makes suffering though the winter a distant memory. 
Then of course you have the spring seedlings.  The excitement of planning what is going to go into the garden in a few short months.  This year we even have a competition going as to who's seedlings are going to grow into productive thriving plants.  Mine are going to win of course. 

Lastly we have the spring blooms that poke their way through the snow.  I know they are out there, we just can't see them yet under the two feel of snow that is still on the ground.  OK maybe there is still a little bit on winter lingering around this year. 

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