Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Task 6: Lake Morey

There are times in my life that I am so incredibly glad that I did not bag an activity all together; this was one of those times.  I have been wanting to check out the Nordic skate path on Lake Morey for a long time and this year I determined that it was going on my list of things to accomplish this year.  Lake Morey has a 4.5 mile skate trail around the lake that one of the local resorts maintains.  It is free and you can access it from several different points (we chose the resort). 
To start out the winter, I had the perfect plan.  We would go when we were on that side of the state visiting  grandparents during the February break.  There were a few problems with this.  1. It was really cold and windy the day we were supposed to go. 2. The grandparent in question really did not want to go skating on a lake in the cold. 3. We had friends going to a museum near by that was warmer and the grandparent was willing to do.  Even though it feels as though winter will be here forever, the reality that the ice would soon be too thin to skate on and that I was not 100% sure I wanted to drive 90 minutes to skate on a frozen lake. Andy, determined to help me with my list, packed us all into the car and double checked the ice conditions.  As you can see by the happy face below, we were really glad he did. 
 Once we finally made it to the lake and got our skates on, Little Man quickly took off down the skate path.  As he zipped along the path, Andy and I got our workout in as we tried to keep up.  There were several other people on the path and it was a simply beautiful day.  Every now and then we could get Little Man to slow down to ask a question about the ice fishing shacks, a snowmobile crossing the ice, the crazy Nordic skates (which you can rent there if you want to try them), or something frozen in the ice.  It was an amazing day and we are thinking that next year we might spend a night at the actual resort and make a weekend of it.  In the end, I am really glad I did not bag this trip all together; it was worth every minute. 

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