Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Task 4: Smuggler's Notch in Winter

There is a road that runs through Smuggler's Notch that I love to travel in the summer, however, I have never taken advantage of it in the winter.  It is beautiful and often very busy in the summer, so I suspected it would be the same in the winter.  While we did not make it to the really cool sections (it was really windy and cold) it was in fact beautiful.  In addition to this it was also busy.  Every few minutes a person walking their dog, a back country skier, a group of ice climbers, cross-country skiers, back country hikers or other snowshoer would pass by.  Little Man even had a rescue dog come to his aid when he plopped down in the snow.  It was the perfect place for winter activity and busy even on a day when it was cold and windy.  I can't wait to return on a slightly warmer day and hopefully make it to the cool section where all the ice climbers were headed. 

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