Saturday, March 8, 2014

Task 5: Alabama Book

 There are things on my to-do list that have needed to be finished for a while.  One of those things is a photo book from a trip we took to see family in Alabama almost 5 years ago.  The book holds several of my favorite pictures and also ones that bring back some wonderful memories.  We made the trip because it we knew it was going to be the only time Little Man would ever meet his great grandparents on my husband's side of the family(both passed away within months of the visit) and the pictures hold the only memories Little Man has of either of them.  This book, more so than others, was an extra special one.  I have posted some of my favorite pictures down below.                    

Little Man and an Unlce he adores
Little Man and his cousin
This one is more about my memories.  I think I spent the first two years of Little Man's life carrying him around in that Ergo Pack.  I never really used a stroller all that much (with the exception of running).  Little Man pretty much went from the pack to walking.  This happens to be one of my favorite pictures of him in the Ergo Pack.
Little Man and his Great Grandmother 
Little Man, Daddy, Grandman and Great Grandpa