Sunday, March 23, 2014


 For generations, maple syrup in Vermont has been made using the same standards; all that changed this season.  This weekend was the Vermont Maple Open house weekend.  For us, this means traveling to one of the local sugar houses, sampling some fresh maple syrup, and eating sugar on snow(with a pickle, of course). 
During these visits, we will occasionally pick up a jug of maple syrup.  (We go through a lot of maple syrup in our house.)  This time I had forgotten that they changed the grading system to align with the international system that other states and countries use.  This created a problem for me, since I had no idea what I needed to purchase.  Then came the kind lady stocking the shelves who pointed me to the sampling table.  Little Man and I spent the next 5 minutes sampling maple sugar and thoughtfully considering which one we wanted.  Unfortunately, there was a mild disagreement in type and we ended up having to flip a coin.  In the end we walked away with Amber Color with Rich Taste. 
Then we headed off for a wonderfully sticky bowl of sugar on snow. 

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