Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tasks Completed!

When we moved into our house, I inherited an incredibly overgrown and neglected perennial bed.  I spent the past two summers pulling Bishops Weed and every other possible unwanted invasive plant and weed out.  After four long summers of pulling and mulching, my garden is finally in pretty good condition and I am ready to start playing around with my yard a bit.  So much so that I have determined that we are not leaving New England at all this summer and the few times that we actually go some place will only be for weekend camping trips.  I am ready to immerse myself in my garden.

This past week, I did several little projects I have been wanting to do  (hence the lack of blog posts). I have been playing in the back yard whenever possible. 

For starters, the boys in the house went and bought me two strawberry pots for Mothers Day and I in turn went out and bought strawberry starts to plant in them.  I can not begin to tell you how happy I am about these. 

 I finally filled the window box on the garage. 
 My dad gave me this hook weeks ago, and I finally have a good spot to hang my humming bird feeder.  I spent much of this afternoon sitting in the Adirondack chairs watching butterflies and hummingbirds fly around the yard. 
 And what you ask were the boys doing while I was basking in my garden project? Building a playground for the ducks. 
Activity: 2 miles today, long run tomorrow.

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