Saturday, May 5, 2012

Green Up Day

Ever since Little Man's pre-school talked about the three r's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, he has been determined to pick up every little piece of trash he sees on the ground no matter how nasty.  While I do think this is a wonderful trait, there are times that what is on the ground does not pass the mommy germ standards, so I have been telling him about this wonderful day in Vermont, when we will go around with gloves and pick up every piece of trash we see on the ground.

Today was that glorious day.  The first weekend in May every year is Green Up Day in Vermont.   There are several different things that go on in Vermont, however, the biggest consists of people from every town going around with green trash bags and picking up the trash along the roads.  So at 8:30 this morning, Little Man and I walked down the street to the Community Center where several people from town were sipping on coffee, socializing and eating breakfast.  We were directed to the map, picked the quarter mile stretch between our house and the community center and set off with our green trash bag. 

For Little Man this was one of the most glorious moments of his life; he has been waiting for this day for a while and was not going to miss one minute of it.  My first thought was, OK walk along the road, pick up a few pieces of trash, fill our trash bag and life is good.  This was not going to be sufficient for Little Man, we were up and down the embankments, in and out of the marsh lands, through pricker bushes -we were going to find every little piece of trash, even if that meant we got wet, dirty and cold doing it.   He was a very happy little man.  When we were finished and our bag was full, we dragged our cold, wet, satisfied, bodies home and Little Man took a warm bath with a cup of hot chocolate.  (A little more info: a frozen Little Man was pampered. He was drawn a warm bath and served a granola bar and a mug of hot chocolate, both of which he enjoyed from the comfort of that hot bath! -AC)

Activity for the day: 11 miles: Little Man ran the last quarter mile with me. (And Daddy ran two miles out with her, ran back two miles pushing the stroller to get the bike and trailer, and biked several more miles pulling Little Man so that we could serve as her support crew...)

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