Friday, May 4, 2012

Animal Prep/The Art of Being a Boy

With the imminent arrival of this year's batch of chicks, the ducks need to vacate the brooder this weekend and enter their new home; formally the old tractor shed.  In order to make this happen, some doors need to added to the shed.  Andy was going to do this alone, just him and the power tools, but last night Little Man begged and pleaded to go outside with daddy and help.  Daddy finally relented and out they went to make a door out of some scrap wood found in the barn.  Little Man came in twice to use the potty and gave me full and detailed updates about everything he and daddy were doing outside.  He was very proud of the "man" work going on outside and was very bummed out at bath time, when he had to leave daddy and the power tools. 

Fast-forward to this afternoon.  All the way home, Little Man asked if he could go outside and see what daddy had done the night before while he (Little Man) was taking his bath.  As we were pulling into the driveway, Little Man spotted daddy attaching the door to the shed and wanted out of the car.  He quickly ran over to join his dad.  I foresee a lot more projects happening over the next few months. 

 Mommy's contribution to the project: a frog hanger repurposed as a door handle. 

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