Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Feed My Starving Children

When Little Man was smaller, I can remember other moms talking about how they could teach compassion to their children.  When Little man was two I quickly realized that compassion is not taught, it is already there; as parents all we can do is water and nurture the little seed that God planted long before the child was born. You see, when Little Man was two, we went on a long road trip to Michigan and back.  While on this trip we stopped to see Niagara Falls.  At Niagara Falls there is a boat called the Maid of the Mist that comes pretty close to the base of the falls. As soon as we saw the boat, Little Man became extremely concerned about the people on the boat and what was going to happen to them (he was worried that the boat would sink under the falls).  It was at that moment, I realized children already have compassion, it is what we do with that compassion, that determines if that compassion will continue to flourish.
Fast forward two years later to a church service about a month ago.  A few women who are planning a Feed My Starving Children event presented at our church.  Little Man immediately made it his own personal mission to feed the starving children.  He has a jar on the kitchen table that he is collecting coins in, has done a few extra chores to add money to the jar faster and last week when our church launched the fundraising campaign, he got up and spoke in front of the congregation about his jar; the little man is on a mission.  Our response as parents? Join the planning committee for the event! This fall Little Man and I will be hunting for volunteers to donate 2 hours of their time to participate in a MobilePack event.  Be on the look out for a very zealous pre-schooler who is very hard to say no to.  Better yet, just plan on attending the event, the official date will be posted on the website soon. Meanwhile, start your own jar for there is a young man who is trying to feed the starving children.

Activity: 3 mile speed workout (I even managed to run a lap at a 7 minute pace!) 

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