Monday, July 12, 2010

Whimsical Shops

While I have to admit I am not as adventurous as I would like to think I am, I am willing to take the advice of Vermont Life and Vermont magazines and step outside of my comfort zone to check out places I would not ordinarily go. Along the way, I have gone into some pretty neat places in Vermont and found some neat whimsical shops along the way.

The shop below is in Glover, Vermont. Had I not been looking for it, I would have driven right by and never even known it was there.
It was great. It had several homemade local products like salsa and apple cider doughnuts, which Little Man and I enjoyed on the Adirondack chairs they had out front by the river. They also had neat little whimsical gifts. The barn was totally open - no one manning it - and on a honor system. You wrote down what you took and put the money in a jar. It made for a nice relaxing morning followed by a good day with my extended family to follow.

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