Monday, July 19, 2010

Bunny Problems

Our poor little bunny has been experiencing diarrhea the past day or so and it has not been pretty. Except for blow drying his little butt after I clean it, that has been kind of fun......

We are not sure what is wrong at this point, but we have pinned it down to heat or being weened to soon from his mom. I am hoping it is the heat, because we can and are controlling that one and there is a greater chance for survival. The second option is a little more bleak. I should have know better, than not to have asked how old the bunny was when we got it (I had two bunnies growing up and had to wait until they were ready before I was able to bring them home). My brain told me that anyone giving away bunnies would not give them away before they were ready. Stupid me, however, I could and hope I am wrong about that one.

I'll keep you posted and mean while, will hopefully be nursing the poor little guy back to health.

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