Saturday, July 24, 2010

Autumn and The Stupid Chickens

Before I introduce you to the new bunny, I need to tell you about the stupid chickens. I have some friends following the blog who eventually want to get chickens, so I figure I might as well share all the stupid stories.

Anyway, Andy had planned on making a ladder for the chickens this weekend, because over the past week or so their roosting instinct has kicked in and apparently the two roosts in there are too high for them, so they have been roosting on their nesting box. Not a place we want them to be roosting, since we eventually hope they will be laying eggs there. So, last night Andy comes in the house and tells me I need to come outside and help him with one of the chickens. Just having lost a bunny, I was initially a bit freaked out! (Of course I also freaked out this afternoon when one of them laid down to stretch this afternoon as well, something it has done since it was a chick.) Thankfully it was not a dead chicken, just a stupid chicken, that had managed to get itself stuck in the small space between the nesting box and the wall.

My wonderful husband spent his morning covering up the hole and making a ladder for them to roost on. He did not have enough wood from the bottom rung, so he used a branch that fell down in one of our big storms this week.

I even was able to get two of the chickens to humor me and sit on it for a picture.

OK, now for the moment you have all been waiting for........ Autumn our new bunny (Levi wanted to call her Guy, but I objected to naming the bunny after our recently deceased bunny).

For those of you ever looking to buy a bunny, there is a huge difference between people who know what they are doing and people who really do not.

  1. They know the sex of the bunny you are buying (Autumn is a doe)

  2. They give you some of their food to mix in with your food to help the bunny's digestive tract adjust.

  3. They have advice for raising the bunny

  4. And the place we went to had over 100 rabbits (OK, so there is a good chance that if did not buy Autumn, she would have been table bound). Of course now the new joke is that if she ends up being an aggressive bunny at least we know she will taste good :)

Autumn is shy but fairly playful. As you can see from the picture above, we put a box in her hutch, so she could hide from the crazy toddler in the house. She is more content flipping the box over and playing with it; of course she will hid behind it when the toddler comes screaming into the room. When the boys went to farm store to buy more food for the chickens this afternoon, they also bought a tube for her to play in.

I couldn't resist

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