Friday, July 23, 2010

Blueberry Picking

One of our favorite summer traditions is to go blueberry picking, at Owl's Head Farm with our friends. We always pick a night in which the Swing Peepers (Children's Music) are playing and join a few other families with toddlers for a night of blueberry picking and picnicking. A great time is had by all.
This year we choose a night with perfect weather, and oh I should mention that the farm is in a gorgeous location, down a dirt road and nestled on a hill in the woods.
We started out by laying our blankets and picnic down in an optimal location and then headed deep into the blueberry bushes. OK, so the toddlers ran up and down the aisles, but they had fun and believe it or not they have enough of an attention span to pick one quart with some help.

One of my friends asked if they weighed the toddlers before and after they leave. I think little man ate a whole quart before he actually filled his own bucket. And I should mention it was all he would eat today until we went to a baseball game and he saw the hot dogs.

My little free loader
We did manage to fill up our box and settle in for a wonderful night of picnicking and listening to music. I should also mention that between the little toddler climbing up on the counter to eat more blueberries, the blueberry grunt he made with mommy and the jam I made while he was sleeping, we have already managed to use up half of these. I would have made pie also, but we did not have enough shortening for me to make the crust. I'll do that tomorrow after we go and check out bunnies. Yes, little man and daddy are going to get a new bunny to replace Guy!

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