Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hot Chickens

For those of you who do not live on the East Coast and do watch the news. It was HOT here last week. OK, maybe not as hot as it was for our southern friends and family, but you guys have air conditioning to hang out in.

In the heat and lack of movement, I learned a few things about my chickens. They will do anything they can to cool off, they love cucumbers, and chickens when they are hot pant like dogs. They will also come right up to you and pant, just to make sure you know that they are hot. They even managed to dig a hole under their chicken coop. Andy has since reinforced the coop side of the run so I don't have to try and lure chickens out from under the coop again.

Excuse me, it is hot in here!

Little man searching for the chickens in the knotweed. Poor things don't stand a chance with a toddler around who always wants to know what they are up to.


  1. I was hoping this story involved an oven...

  2. Sorry, not big enough for that yet, have to wait a few months.
