Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Vermont Flower Show: This Year

I have to start this blog by admitting I was not nearly as into the flower show this year as I have been previous years.  Maybe it is because we have had an amazing winter and unlike other years where I am dying for spring, I am just not ready for this winter to be over.  Maybe it was because we went on a Sunday instead of our typical Saturday trip.  Or just maybe it was because we missed the kids activities and rather than being his usual bubbly self, Little Man was ready to leave shortly after we arrived.  Unlike most year when I am very much in need of the flower show, I just was not all that into it this year. 
Now don't get me wrong, there were some wonderful aspects of the flower show.  The theme this year was Robert Frost's "Stopping by The Woods On a Snowy Evening," one of my favorite poems.  While I will admit I loved the sweet smells and the twisting stone walls that ran through the flower exhibit, this may have been what soured me from the start.  You see being a New Englander, this is one of my favorite poems and I had an image in my mind about what the flower exhibit was supposed to look like.  While beautiful the exhibit was not the wonderful world that I imagined, but the walls were beautiful and the flowers did smell wonderful. 
 I think every house should have these guys standing at the door. 
 Thankfully, the model train was exactly where Little Man expected it to be and he even managed to meet up with two friends.  It was not a complete wash for him, even though he seemed to think it was on the way out the door.  We had to entice him with lunch at Five Guys if he could just make it through the flower show.  I regret that decision now and am thinking I may need to go for more than one long run this week to work of the after-effect. 
In all it was not a complete waste of time, however, it was not my favorite flower show and I did not come away from it excited for the spring, which I typically do. 
Note: Stay tuned for duck blogs, they will be coming shortly!

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