Sunday, March 10, 2013

Annual Vist to See The Kids

Every spring one of my co-workers invites us over to visit the new baby goats (kids).  Little Man loves the trip so much that a few weeks ago, he asked when we were going.  As the years have passed, he has gotten progressively more comfortable with the kids and even picked them up and was running around playing with them this year.  One in particular (the one at the bottom of the page) he fell in love with and I had to bribe him with a trip to the local bakery in order to get him to leave without sneaking the kid into the car with him.  He had the whole thing plotted out; there is plenty of room in the car and he can live in the coop with the chickens.  Although, truth be told, if we had a place to put him and I could ever convince Andy to let me bring one home, we would for sure have a goat living in the back yard by now.  Alas, for now I will just have to live with my yearly visits to Diantha's house.

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