Saturday, March 9, 2013

Signs of Mud Season

Beyond the several loads of muddy winter clothing and the layer of caked-on mud on my car, there are several other indicators that we have reached mud season.  For starters, the volume of people walking, biking and running on the local roads has significantly increased over the last week or so.  Then you have the musical drip, drip of melting snow, accompanied by the song birds that have begun to fly north for the season.  But by far my favorite part of mud season.........Maple Syrup.  Yes, the sap is running, people! To top it all off, syrup buckets magically appeared on the trees between our house and the neighbor's, which Little Man and I needed to promptly go and investigate.  While of no benefit to us, they will serve as entertainment and a means for getting Little Man back outside. Though I am not sure I really need any motivation.  You see.....
 Little Man seems to think he is a javelin thrower and pole vaulter and has been practicing in the back yard.  Maybe I took him too many track practices with me last spring? Alas, yet another sign that mud season has arrived. 

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