Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Saving Lady Bugs

I am beginning to realize that somewhere along the line, someone who owned our house introduced many things that they should not have to our garden.  I have had to deal with Japanese Knotweed, Bishops Weed, mint (unconfined it can take over) and the most obnoxious one: Asian Lady Beetle's (aka Japanese Ladybugs).  What is so obnoxious about ladybugs you ask?  While this particular breed is not native to our area; some people introduce them to their gardens in order to kill aphids.  The problem with this is, unlike their native counterparts, these little guys hibernate by the hundreds in your home during the winter and the moment it warms up, you have millions of them buzzing past your head. One of them even buzzed into the pasta I was making for dinner tonight. 
Given my current annoyance to waking up in the middle of the night because there is a ladybug crawling up my arm (or buzzing past my head), I have set out to rid our house of ladybugs.  The current solution: a vacuum that is parked near the two windows they seem to enter the house through.  I can vacuum anywhere from 10-50 of these guys up a day.  Unfortunately, the second I walk away, there are more who immediately replace the ones that have just been sucked up into the vacuum. 
My son, on the other hand, has determined to take a different approach.  His goal is to save all the lady bugs from Mommy with his little bug catcher and then race them out the door to freedom. 

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