Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Maple Season

Vermont Maple Open House Weekend; one of my favorite weekends in Vermont.  It also happens to be one of Little Man's favorite weekends because he knows it means sugar on snow.  He just about jumped out the the car and ran to the sugar house.
For those of you who are not from Vermont, you may ask: what is this sugar on snow thing?  You take boiling hot, fresh maple syrup and drizzle it on shaved ice or snow(Typically you do a little at a time, however, if you have a 5 year old, it all goes in at once).  It then becomes sticky goodness. They even provide a pickle to cleanse your palate between bites and aid in the consumption of more maple syrup.  
This year provided and extra special treat. Little Man learned how to tap a tree.  Somewhere in his head he had decided that woodpeckers make the hole and someone follows behind them sticking taps in the holes being made (not sure where this came from).  This weekend, he learned that you drill the hole and then hammer the tap in the rest of the way.  We left with sugar in our bellies and a better understanding of how maple sugar is made; no woodpeckers needed.  

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