Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Early Spring Blooms

I decided to devote a day to flowers since I take so many pictures and spend so much time making my gardens look just right. This way, I actually get to share some of the pictures I take throughout the week.  The following flowers are currently in full bloom in my garden and around the house.

Lungwort: Supposedly it is a shade plant, however, I transplanted some of it to the shade and the stuff in the sun is doing significantly better. 
This barrel is by the door I walk in and out of every day. The flowers make me smile.
Activity for the day.  Sadly after raking out jumping pits for two hours in the rain at a track meet, I only managed to mile.

1 comment:

  1. Just to make you work harder tomorrow... I walked 2.5 miles AND did 50 minutes of weights/stretching!
