Saturday, April 28, 2012


Only in Vermont would you be able to find all of your friends celebrating and having a good time on a cold day at a place that sells rotting dirt.  Such was the case today at CompostFest at Green Mountain Compost. This is the place we bought all of the compost for our raised beds from last year.  They changed locations last year and today was their official open house and the kids had a blast despite the cold (Thankfully they had warm drinks for the adults and children. The kids/dads all opted for ice cream). The part that made it even better is that everything was free.

Since Ben and Jerry's brings all of the waste product they produce from making ice cream here, it was only natural that the kids would be planting seeds in Ben and Jerry's containers.  The woman helping Little Man was even kind enough to tell him that the flowers(bachelor buttons) he was planting are edible.
 Then of course there was a big pile of dirt for the kids to dig in.  Little Man was so into his digging that he missed the fact that all of his friends had climbed to the top of the large mound. 
 He finally caught on.
 After listening to some music and sipping on warm cider, everyone piled over to the large trucks.  We learned very quickly that you can pile several kids into one of these things and the adults can stand there and talk while the kids entertain themselves.  Of course the dads need to get in on the big truck action every now and then.
It was a great morning, however, I am very grateful to be back in a warm house with a cup of hot chocolate. 

Activity: Day off; long run tomorrow

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