Monday, April 23, 2012

Slacking on the Accountability

I recently realized that there is really no point to accountability if I don’t post what I am doing on a regular basis.  One post a week, or every other week, means I can schlep the rest of the week and then post my long runs on Saturday.  Not much good for accountability. In an effort to get past that, I have decided I am going to try and do daily posts to the best of my ability; I do understand that there may be weeks that there is just nothing to write about.  Given that there are only 6 weeks left to the school year and then I begin my summer break ,this should be a do-able plan.  Here are my thoughts: 

Monday:  Potpourri, we typically do a bunch of random things over the weekend, so why not?

Tuesday: The Evolution of a Boy

Wednesday: My Garden. I take a million pictures of my flowers, I figure why not share? 

Thursday: The Animals

Friday: Food and Other Edibles  ("other" edibles? Does this scare anyone else, too? -editor)

Saturday: Sustainability

Sunday: Running

To keep with the accountability part: my activity for the day included swimming for an hour and a half with Little Man and the grandparents and running 3 miles. 

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