Friday, April 27, 2012

The Amazing Duck!

Note: This was supposed to be yesterday's post; however, due to a child who woke up screaming with an ear infection shortly after he went to bed, it was not posted.  Sorry for the delay.

Had anyone told me the exponential rate at which ducks grow before I owned then, I would not have believed them.  Now that I have ducks, their growth rate amazes me.  We have owned our ducks for 5 weeks now; below is the growth we have seen.  The first picture was taken the day we brought them home. 
 At the end of week 1
 Week 2
 Week 3:They had their first bath this week, the water bin now lives in the brooder with them (it is a very large brooder).
 Week 4: They ventured outside for the first time.
 Just this past weekend, they look like full grown ducks.
Activity: 3 mile run

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