Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Evolution of a Boy

When I first introduced my son to gardening, he responded in a way I had not expected; complete and utter disgust for the bugs.  I was a little concerned because, in my mind, little boys love bugs.  Fast-forward two years later, and the little boy who would not go near worms is digging furiously in the ground and looking under rocks for them so he can feed them to the chickens. 
In addition to this, Little Man recently received a bug jar.  He loves the thing and is amazingly fascinated by all of the critters he can find in the garden.  Below, he is curiously inspecting a snail he recently discovered.  He was fascinated with the creature and did not once flinch at the slime that was being deposited on his fingers.  I am not 100% sure what caused the shift boyhood, but I will gladly embrace the curiosity with all things slimy.

Activity: A walk around Shelburne farms and the surrounding hiking trails with friends and a 3 mile run.

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