Sunday, November 16, 2014

Task 22: Year 4

Long ago I had this dream of scrapbooking my life.  This past year I realized I was about 7 years behind.  In response to that I decided to go back print up the pictures from previous years and just make sure they made it into photo albums.  Since I have been scrapbooking from our anniversary (of maybe only the first four years) I decided to start from there.  As of last night I actually have year four labeled and in a photo album. 
The year started off with an awesome 182 mile bike ride on the C&O canal and just took off from there since right around that time I got pregnant with Little Man (now you know why I have not scrap booked in several years). 
We spent a big chunk of that summer at a near by community garden that I could bike to as long as I was not carrying back too many vegetables.  The master gardener who was on site a few times a week was great and we learned a lot about organic gardening that year.  We also had a ton of vegetables to show for it.  Everything except for the spinach did well (I still can not grow spinich).
We also volunteered helping a family through Vermont Refugee Resettlement.  Technically I volunteered, but Andy was along for the ride as well.  We spent the year helping them adjust to life in The Unitied States and also Winter.  We also made some wonderful friends along the way.
Sadly this was also the year my grandfather passed away and I spent much of the fall taking pictures of the farm to savor every memory made there. 
 Then along came Little Man, who completely changed everything. 
 Although going back and looking at the pictures he spent most of his time sleeping.  I think 75-80% of the pictures of him were of him sleeping.  I miss those days. 
 We also had many opportunites to take in the great landscape of Vermont.
 From the top of Camel's Hump

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Great memories. Thanks for sharing. Keep working on the scrapbook (as time and Levi allows)!
