Friday, November 14, 2014

Task 21: Educational Stuff

I am getting down to some of the more tedious, it was going to take more then a day to complete tasks.  Basically, the things that went on my list because they were things I was avoiding doing.
As I have watched older teachers retire; I have noticed that all of them unload bins of old educational materials on the newer teachers.  Stuff from when they first began and probably have not used in over twenty years.  In addition to this, I was able to recognize the two bins of educational material in the crawl space that was collecting dust.  I decided it was time to clean and organize. 
As I went through everything, I cleaned out materials from my undergrad studies that I saved just in case I would ever happen to need them, descriptions of tests and behavioral modifications I could do in my sleep, and notes that I am never really going to go back and look at.  As a result, two bins turned into 5 binders of stuff that is organized in a way that they might actually get used for instructional purposes.  Now, if I can just remember to do this again in another 15 years I will hopefully not unload on some poor, unsuspecting new teacher.

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