Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hen Of the Wood: Task 20

There is this amazing restaurant in Waterbury, Vermont called the Hen of The Wood that I have heard about several times since moving to Vermont.  The two things that have kept us away, are 1. we don't go out enough (our last date was a year ago) and 2. you have to make reservations a month in advance to get a table at this place.  I put it on my to-do list for the year, so we would finally visit this fine dining establishment.  It was amazing!
The Hen of the Wood is in the basement of an old grist mill with open beams and candle light.  The ambiance is amazing.  There is even a beautiful waterfall the flows by the mill.  We already decided that we need to come back in the summer when we can sit on the deck by the waterfall. 
  Then there is the food. The menu changes with the season and is sourced locally.  Andy wanted to order fries for our appetizer, but I convinced him to try the beets and riccota.  It was amazing.  There were pine nuts and basil in the riccota and it was wonderful.   I had lamb for my main dish and it was fall off the bone amazing.  Andy actually forgot what he ordered, so we are not 100% sure what he was actually eating, but it was good.  Then of course there was dessert.  It was devine, and to be honest we struggled with not ordering the whole dessert menu. 
Overall it was an incredible meal, and we decided that we need to go out more often. 

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